Thursday, September 11, 2008

DCPS Deputy Chancellor of Special Education Got Booted?

News is circulating through grapevine that DCPS Deputy Chancellor of Special Education has been booted out.

If this is true, I applaud Ms. Rhee for this bold action.

From day one I met the Deputy Chancellor during one of DC meetings, I already foreseen the looming 'F' word: FAILURE. Not necessarily for lack of educational knowledge on Special Education but primarily due to her lack of basic knowledge about DCPS, specifically SPED in the district.

I guess the old belief is true: you can be the brightest and most educated but if you don’t understand the people you serve…

The Deputy Chancellor did not come here without tittle-tattle about her previous job. It was a juicy talk among Central Office clique her legacy to Oakland Unified School District which include but not limited to: messy programs, disappointed teachers, angry parents, etc.

One of her latest projects in DC was the opening of school orientation to DCPS SPED teachers. Take note: SPED COORDINATORS WERE BANNED!

Most SPED teachers found the orientation a complete garbage and waste of time.

The Chancellor should consider hiring someone who knows the district— someone who lives and works in the district; someone who knows SPED because s/he works in SPED. Someone who know the kids and parents in the system.


1 comment:

The New Teacher on the Block said...

I heard this as well and was excited about it as a new SPED teacher here. I have heard she has been pretty terrible to some of the teachers here and she has not been helpful in my classroom issues as far as I can see.