Monday, September 8, 2008

Paying DCPS Students to be Students?

Wow! Education under the current DCPS administration is officially a COMMODITY now. DCPS is initiating (a.k.a. copycat-ing) a program from NYC called “Capital Gains”. Students on pre-selected Middle Schools will be paid for behavior, attendance, behavior, homework completion, and grades. Officially, DCPS describes the initiative this way:
“Schools will track student performance on several metrics through an online database, created specifically for the program, and will reward them with cash every two weeks. Money will be deposited into student bank accounts.”
Gone are the days that educators motivate students to learn for learning.

Gone are the days when community leaders encourage students to do their best in the classroom to be the best they can be.

Materialism has now reached another level and sadly, it’s happening inside classroom where learning to learn NO MORE. Now, it’s learning to earn.

There’s nothing wrong with earning while learning (OJT, etc.) but to attend school? To behave appropriately? To do homework? Com’mon?!

DCPS can call this program any names but in my book this is a plain and simple form of bribery. Sorry. B-R-I-B-E-R-Y.

The only difference is that the bribe is sponsored by taxpayers’ money.


mommilan&jr said...

I don't think its bribery... but more of a way to "get on their level and also their intrests. Most middle schoolers and high schoolers are at an all time high when it comes to laziness right now. I was working unlawfully and recieving a check at age 13... money was important for me too, but now its even more important and more scarce... and children have to take care of thier parents sometimes so why not?? Then if you revamp the middle school system, maybe the high schoolers would be well off and have better chances for success in high school and life!!!! Think about it...

Gen X Teacher said...
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Gen X Teacher said...

two points:

(1) "I was working unlawfully and recieving a check at age 13" = NOT GOOD. Especially you're comparing it in the context of paying the students.

(2) "and children have to take care of thier [sic] parents sometimes so why not??" = NOT GOOD. I don't have anything against (almost) teens supporting their parents IF and ONLY IF they can. HOWEVER, making it a reason to pay students is way, waaaay too absurd.

mommilan&jr said...

Gen X...when I said "unlawfully," I meant I wanted to work....and had to support myself because of issues within my household... I meant 13 is not the legal age to work...omg, you had to know that's what I meant!!! You have to be 14 to work! So I didn't wait until my late birthday (November) came around... get it??? My fatehr who was a policeman got me a Summer job through the police department and Summer works program working at a cable television studio.

#2... Sometimes its like that...parents aren't taking care of them or their younger siblings... so, if you see your sister hungry, you wouldn't want to do soemthing about it??? Not only that but, if they are not paying the rent... would you want to see your family be homeless???

Its called survival...and is the reason that many Black young men in Urban settings like SE DC drop out of school and sell drugs... and females sell their bodies... I have never done it, but I know many who have...and it is because YOU CANNOT CHANGE A GROWN PERSON/PARENT!!! You can only change the child.

Think OUTSIDE the box please!

Anonymous said...

It's not taxpayer money. Anony Miss.