Wednesday, October 15, 2008

FINALLY! Education on Presidential Debate

Finally, Senators McCain and Obama talked about education. DC was mentioned-- not as a good model system though.

I like Sen. McCain's stand on revising NCLB, teacher rewards and accountability, and the voucher system. A BIG BOO when he undervalues the importance of teaching licensure examination.

I like Sen. Obama's stand on stronger headstart program, more pay for Math & Science teachers, and parental involvement (PARENTS turn off the TV!). A BIG BOO on his stand on voucher system.

FINALLY, they're talking about the
PINK ELEPHANT in the room.


Anonymous said...

Are you crazy? No voucher, baby! No!

ms. mindless said...

boo. another spot where we disagree. no vouchers!

Gen X Teacher said...

anonymous & ms. mindless,

i'm a proponent of "agree to disagree" as well. it's healthy and it's ok in my book.

voucher puts power to parents.

we live in a democratic and free world... why citizens need to be confined within the zip code they live in?