Monday, October 13, 2008

Bogus Special Education Advocacy

PLEASE NOTE: This entry does not pertain in any way to the office of the person-in-charge of B/J Monitor, US District Court for the DC. However, the comments/ad pertaining to its effort to collect information directly from teachers inspired this blog entry. This is in reference particularly to 'For Profit' SPED Advocacy groups in the system.

Two anonymous (maybe the same person) readers posted a message/ad on my comment section. I read the same message on other popular DC blogs. I DELETED them on my comment section. In part it says:

If anyone thinks he has evidence of recurring practices or issues that they consider relevant and requiring to the attention of those charged with oversight over the decree's implementation, they can report the matter, including any supporting evidence, to the court appointed monitor, Ms. xxxxx, Esq. (Blackman/Jones Monitor, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia). They can be sent anonymously with no return address to:

Atlanta, GA 30316

AND/OR To the plaintiffs' counsel, xxxxx:
xxxxx, Esq.
xxxxx, NW Washington, DC 20005
Phone: xxxxx

I'm for SPED advocacy. I believe that the students who need the highest level of reform in this system are the students with special needs.

HOWEVER, I believe that reporting any irregularities to "FOR-PROFIT organizations" that claim to represent students with special needs is DISSERVICE to our students.

I have sat in numerous occasions when students were represented by advocates and there were 90-100% probablity that the advocate/representative BARELY knew the kids they were representing. And higher chances that they don't regularly meet with the kid/parents.

Most, if not all advocates, are basing their arguments on the papers that were generated without PROPER and AUTHENTIC research/documentation (e.g. class observation, interview with the kid, etc.).

I found their approach more of "to intimidate" than to collaborate. WHY NOT? It's MORE PROFITABLE that way. They ONLY get paid everytime they win a case against our system.

I HIGHLY recommend that you report the irregularities/disservice to our students with special needs to your respective SPED Coordinators and/or Principals. If you did not get a response from them within 48 hours (depending on the gravity of the issue), REPORT IT to the Central Office/OSE and cc Michelle Rhee.

One of the major shifts of IDEIA 2004 is that the burden of proof of disservice lies on parents/guardians/advocates. DON'T OFFER any information to ADVOCATES. IT'S THEIR JOB to collect the information. THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE PAID TO DO.

If you are required to provide documentation, give it through your SPED COORD/PRINCIPAL.

Some of you may disagree with me, BUT PLEASE-- follow the chain of communication in your schools when it comes to SPED concerns. I acknowledge that sometimes it moves slowly BUT BELIEVE ME, THIS IS A BETTER option than ANARCHY.

If you MUST, report the disservice to the parents of the child and have them with you (or their letter) when you raise the concern with your school administrators.



Anonymous said...

Hi Gen X Teacher: Attorney Amy Totenberg is one of the court monitors for the Blackman Jones consent decree here in Washington, DC. This is a federal case and Judge Paul Friedman is presiding over it. Perhaps you have read many of his comments in our local mainstream press. Ms. Totenberg's office is based in Atlanta, Georgia, however, she is appointed and charged with gathering information about the serious problems DCPS special education students face. Ms. Totenberg is not bogus and is desirous of talking with those who have concerns about DC students not receiving special education services and those who do not have certified teachers and providers to which they are entitled. The names which have been supplied to you are legitimate and should be taken seriously should parents, teachers, providers or concerned citizens want to report. I am a member of the WTU Board of Trustees, as well as member of the WTU Special Education Taskforce. Thanks for your assistance in getting the word out.

Candi Peterson
The Washington Teacher

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you will correct your post as it is inaccurate about Ms. Amy Totenberg. Please feel free to contact me off line at my email @ if you would like more information. The problem is contacting special education and Rhee's office is part of the problem not the solution. I know first hand as a building rep for city wide special ed teachers and service providers and presently work in special education. I have used my blog to assist DC sped teachers and providers because not only have our students as well as all of us been left out in the cold without the appropriate resources to help our disabled students become successful. Thanks,


Gen X Teacher said...

Thanks for the additional information, Ms. Candi.

Please note that the entry is not about Atty. Amy Totenberg but the 'for'profit' advocacy groups plaguing our system. I'll add a note on top of my entry so that readers may not get the impression that the blog is about Atty. Amy Totenberg or her office.

I admire Atty. Totenberg's herculean task but I still stick to what I said: as claaroom-based educators, we should FOLLOW the command of communication when it comes to SPED issues/concerns.

Again, Thank you.

DC Teacher Chic said...

On this, Gen X, we COMPLETELY agree. These people are trying to make a buck off of DCPS having to place these children in private schools. It is deplorable.

Unknown said...

I also got the comment spam and removed it. Interestingly enough I then got an email from a representative of the Plaintiff's councel asking why I had removed the comment. FWIW they claim their not the commenter.

Considering the information was posted anonymously in response to a post that had nothing to do with Special Education it just seems very fishy to me.

ms. mindless said...

i also go that comment and deleted it. very strange because my blog is not even an education blog. i just happen to be a blogging teacher.