Friday, October 24, 2008

On Lying Leaders

I was on my routinary happy-go-lucky, blog-hopping mode when I stumbled a statement on dcedublog by newly appointed Acting Deputy Chancellor for Special Education Richard Nyankori:

"Sometimes it is willful on the part of some staff not to make it to meetings..."
Please note on the word WILLFUL while I take a mental note of the word BUL*SH*T.

Definitely someone is lying.

If ever anyone of you meet any of our central office leaders especially Nyankori, please recommend to them to visit schools. Like actually PHYSICALLY visit schools and OBSERVE. Maybe then, they can have an intelligent, well-informed, and first-hand data to back up their skewed statements.

And please pass my mental note to him as well.

(Thewashingtonteacher post on this one is a recommended MUST read.)


The New Teacher on the Block said...

I wouldn't argue that the majority of special ed teachers have been willfully absent from meetings, but I have met several teachers in the system that are lazy and ineffective and yet still have jobs for some reason. Once again, NOT the majority, but it doesn't surprise me that this would happen. However, if teachers have been "willfully" neglecting their students, that begs the question: why are they still teaching? That's where the accountability on the part of the leaders needs to come in.

Anonymous said...

it's getting clearer as days go by that dcps is in a deplorable condition because of teachers. good! hold them accountable.

wait a minute-- who's letting these teachers do crappy work? hmmm... let's HOLD THEM accountable too. yes, i'm referring to administrators, principals, and central office "leaders"...