Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rhee on Q&A Cafe with Carol Joint

Below is the entire taped Q&A Cafe of Rhee with Carol Joynt last Wednesday, October 1.

I have sat on several general meetings with the chancellor. In one of the informal ones, she was asked what are her weaknesses and strengths.

One of the strenghts she mentioned is being able to articulate thoughts/things intelligibly and intelligently even though she has little knowledge about a topic.

Well, in this interview she showed her eloquence and intelligence PLUS a LOT, a way lot of knowledge about education system.

In my book she is a visionary.

One of the ONLY three things I'm doubtful about her vision is abolishing tenureship. Let me correct that: I'm not doubtful. I know she's undervaluing tenureship.

Now, grab a cup of coffee or tea because this is going to be a long and winding 'entertainment'. ENJOY your Sunday!

Btw, this is also posted here.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


Anonymous said...

Except from Part 3 (contract)and some part of Part 4-- all I heard was blah-blah-blah.

Anonymous said...

I agree anonymous. I heard the same dry stories that she tells all the time. GenX ,I didn't really get the vision or that she is a visionary! Help me out with that.

Gen X Teacher said...
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Gen X Teacher said...

anonymous 2:15pm,

let's be honest, rhee-- through her established non-profit organization and efforts to uplift the system-- is a visionary.

she has the gift of foresight of what needs to be accomplished for her to achieve the ultimate goal: high student achievement.

HOW to accomplish it though, IN PART, is what i disagree.

a simple question of "does the end justify the means"?

Anonymous said...

well then if that is your definition of visionary then wouldn't we all be visionaries? we know where we want the system to go and if you read most posts everyone knows how to do it but that does make us fit to do the job...just my thoughts.

Gen X Teacher said...

anon 4:49pm,

thanks for your thoughts. my thoughts:

let's be honest-- NOT ALL of us has the vision.

SOME are just here 'doing time' until their retirement.

SOME are just here using DCPS resources for free 'masteral degree'.

SOME are just here for 'economic' reasons.

KNOWING where to go doesn't make one a visionary. UNDERSTANDING where and how to go there makes one a visionary. that entails foreseeing the possible strengths/weaknesses and threats/opportunities along the way.

rhee , even before the fall of the proposed contract has already a PLAN B. NOW, that is a visionary.

parker on the other hand put all his money on the contract and never had a 2nd plan. definitely he has a vision BUT in my opinion, he is NOT a visionary.