Saturday, October 4, 2008

No Winners, Just Dreamers and Whiners

Before you watch the clip: What is GP/Rhee's finish line on the new contract?

After you watched the clip: Who won? Who lost?


Anonymous said...

The title is right on point.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we have won. We did not allow Rhee to demolish what little dignity we educators have left! So what if she uses the 90 day plan that is what it is there for. Principals are just going to have to do their jobs effectively.
As much as Rhee may want to use test scores that is going to be the impossible dream for her and her dream team. There will be too much push back.
She will be a forgot memory in less than a year. Remember the article in which she stated if the contract does not go before a vote then, her words- "I am screwed". Well, I guess she is SCREWED.